1)    Clarence Ulrich, 1906-1989

2)    Arthur Worsley, 1907-1996

3)    George Gangas, 1896-1994

4)    John Errichetti, 1912-1997

5)    Louise Stemen, 1903-2002

6)    Dickran Derderian, 1892-1984

7)    Ann Rose, 1910-2000

8)    Aquilla Zook, 1896-1993

9)    Sophie Yuchniewicz, 1906-2008

10)  Dr. Willis Stemen, 1907-1987

11)  Bernice (Bun) Henschel, 1909-2001

12)  Mary Hannan, 1898-1995

13)  Martin Poetzinger, 1904-1988

14)  George Hannan, 1899-1992

15)  Robert Hatzfeld, 1903-2001

16)  Babette Herrlinger, 1894-1995

***Picture above:  Fourteen (14) persons shown above were longtime members of the Watchtower headquarters staff in New York and two (2) others served there temporarily.  All have since passed away along with the Watchtower Society’s failed prediction. -- Taken from the May 15th, 1984 Watchtower Magazine Cover.

One Big Lie!!!

*** w84 5/15 pp. 6-7 1914—The Generation That Will Not Pass Away ***

From a purely human viewpoint, it could appear that these developments could hardly take place before the generation of 1914 disappears from the scene. But fulfillment of all the foretold events affecting the generation of 1914 does not depend on comparatively slow human action. Jehovah’s prophetic word through Christ Jesus is: “This generation [of 1914] will by no means pass away until all things occur.” (Luke 21:32) And Jehovah, who is the source of inspired and unfailing prophecy, will bring about the fulfillment of his Son’s words in a relatively short time.

— Isaiah 46:9, 10; 55:10, 11.

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